uGiftCert External API

Our external API provides means to operate with certificates from remote systems.

With API you can:

Note: When creating certificates using above method, you can pass field qty, which will result in qty number of certificates being created with same data. If you use this feature, you should make sure that cert_number is passed as pattern and not fixed value. Repeating certificate code is not allowed.

Note: Same concerns as for individual certificates are valid here. Each array of data can have qty field and can create multiple certificates. Advantage here is that you can pass different code patterns, amounts and periods.

Magento currently has 2 versions of its SOAP API, uGiftCert can operate with both.

Those versions differ in how methods are called and in what form arguments should be passed.

V1 example:

$client = new SoapClient(''); // replace '' with domain name which you need to access
try {
$session = $client->login('user', 'pass'); // replace login and user with actual magento web-service credentials.
$createData1 = array(
   'cert_number' => '[AN*8]', // if creating single certificate, you can pass fixed code here. But it should not exist on the system.
   'balance' => 25,
   'currency_code' => 'USD',
   'store_id' => 1,
   'status' => 'P',
   'expire_at' => '2012-06-28' ,// yyyy-mm-dd
   'sender_name' => 'admin',
   'pin' => '[N*4]',
   'recipient_name' => null,
   'recipient_email' => null,
   'recipient_message' => null,
   'recipient_address' => null,
   'comments' => null
$createData2 = array(
   'cert_number' => 'API-[A*5]-[AN*5]', // when creating multiple certificates, pass a pattern as code.
   'balance' => 26.99,
   'currency_code' => 'USD',
   'store_id' => 1,
   'status' => 'P',
   'expire_at' => '2012-06-28' ,
   'sender_name' => 'admin',
   'pin' => '[N*4]',
   'recipient_name' => null,
   'recipient_email' => null,
   'recipient_message' => null,
   'recipient_address' => null,
   'comments' => null,
   'qty' => 3 // this will create 3 certificates with above settings, only difference will be auto generated code.
$updateData1 = array(
   'cert_number' => 'SBU99MG6', // updating does NOT require passing cert_number, in fact if it is found, it is ignored.
   'balance' => 25.55,
$updateData2 = array(
   'cert_number' => 'API-XQPLE-ER3ER',
   'balance' => 29.99,
$certIds = array(
    'VOU-LXCUE-PZ6Y2', // for mass deletion, pass simple array of codes to be deleted.
// Filters should be composed in same way as magento collection filters,
// this filter will retrieve all certificates whose code begins with 'API' string
$filters = array('cert_number' => array('like' => 'API%'));
// passing arguments to call method can be done by passing single value (like above)
// or an array of values. In second case all array items are treated as arguments to
// called method and are passed to it. That is why when we need to pass an array as 
// argument we need to include it in another array first.
// With V1 of Magento API all method names should be namespaced with preconfigured prefix.
// For uGiftCert extension this is 'ugiftcert'
$result = $client->call($session, 'ugiftcert.list', array($filters));
// $result = $client->call($session, 'ugiftcert.fetch', 'API-XQPLE-ER3ER');
// $result = $client->call($session, 'ugiftcert.create', array($createData1));
// $result = $client->call($session, 'ugiftcert.massCreate', array( array($createData1, $createData2) ));
// $result = $client->call($session, 'ugiftcert.update', array('API-XQPLE-ER3ER', $updateData1));
// $result = $client->call($session, 'ugiftcert.massCreate', array( array($updateData1, $updateData2) ));
// $result = $client->call($session, 'ugiftcert.delete', 'API-XQPLE-ER3ER');
// $result = $client->call($session, 'ugiftcert.massDelete', array( $certIds ) );
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Sample result of above code is:

    [0] => Array
            [cert_id] => 95
            [cert_number] => API-ALXWB-KXHLR
            [balance] => 26.9900
            [currency_code] => USD
            [pin] => 7757
            [status] => P
            [expire_at] => 2012-06-28
            [recipient_name] => 
            [recipient_email] => 
            [recipient_address] => 
            [recipient_message] => 
            [store_id] => 1
            [sender_name] => admin

    [1] => Array
            [cert_id] => 97
            [cert_number] => API-CCQEY-HF97E
            [balance] => 26.9900
            [currency_code] => USD
            [pin] => 8325
            [status] => P
            [expire_at] => 2012-06-28
            [recipient_name] => 
            [recipient_email] => 
            [recipient_address] => 
            [recipient_message] => 
            [store_id] => 1
            [sender_name] => admin

    [2] => Array
            [cert_id] => 93
            [cert_number] => API-CRHUR-FLHDR
            [balance] => 26.9900
            [currency_code] => USD
            [pin] => 5748
            [status] => P
            [expire_at] => 2012-06-28
            [recipient_name] => 
            [recipient_email] => 
            [recipient_address] => 
            [recipient_message] => 
            [store_id] => 1
            [sender_name] => admin

V2 example:

V2 of Magento API was created mainly to improve on integration of the API with non PHP platforms. While V1 of the API accepts any PHP built in data type as argument, and could possibly return any such type, it is not very friendly to non PHP platforms. With V2 of the API arguments passed should be either scalar types (int, string, float, bool), indexed arrays ['one', 'two', 'three'] or objects whose public properties are used. Also in V2 method calling is changed, for method to be callable, it should be declared in WSDL file and general rule of method naming is: methodPrefix + upper cased method name. So with prefix ugiftcert and method list the call becomes ugiftcertList. This has the benefit of not using $client→call($session, 'ugiftcert.list'); but $client→ugiftcertList($session);. There is also difference how method arguments are passed, with V2 arguments are declared in WSDL and are being passed directly to method call. No need to wrap in arrays anything and multiple arguments are passed as with any normal function/method call.

So to use V2 API all associative arrays should become stdClass objects with property names the keys of arrays and property values - values of arrays.

    try {
        $client = new SoapClient(''); // note usage of different WSDL url
        $session = $client->login('user', 'pass');
        $data = array(
            'balance' => 155.5,
            'status' => 'A',
            'cert_number' => 'VOU-LXCUE-PZ6Y2'
        $data = (object)$data; // easiest way to convert associative array in object we need is to cast it to one
	// in other programming languages, you should provide a simple value object as argument.
	// data.balance = 155.5;
	// data.status = 'A';
	// data.cert_number = 'VOU-LXCUE-PZ6Y2';
        $createData1 = array(
            'cert_number' => '[AN*8]',
            'balance' => 25,
            'currency_code' => 'USD',
            'store_id' => 1,
            'status' => 'P',
            'expire_at' => '2012-06-28',
            'sender_name' => 'admin',
            'pin' => '[N*4]',
            'recipient_name' => null,
            'recipient_email' => null,
            'recipient_message' => null,
            'recipient_address' => null,
            'comments' => null
        $createData1 = (object)$createData1;
        $createData2 = array(
            'cert_number' => 'API-[A*5]-[AN*5]',
            'balance' => 26.99,
            'currency_code' => 'USD',
            'store_id' => 1,
            'status' => 'P',
            'expire_at' => '2012-06-28',
            'sender_name' => 'admin',
            'pin' => '[N*4]',
            'recipient_name' => null,
            'recipient_email' => null,
            'recipient_message' => null,
            'recipient_address' => null,
            'comments' => null,
            'qty' => 3
        $createData2 = (object)$createData2;
        $updateData1 = array(
            'cert_number' => 'API-CRZWF-ANCP2',
            'balance' => 25.55,
        $updateData1 = (object)$updateData1;
        $updateData2 = array(
            'cert_number' => 'E34JU4EE',
            'balance' => 29.99,
        $updateData2 = (object)$updateData2;
        $certIds = array(
        ); // simple indexed arrays need not to be changed.
	// To provide filters they should be constructed as value object
	// with public properties 'filter' and 'complex_filter' (optionally)
        $filter = new stdClass();
        $filter->filter = array(); // filter should be indexed array of filter objects
        $filter->complex_filter = array();
	// sample status filter
        $status = new stdClass();
        $status->key = 'status'; // filter key or attribute name to filter
        $status->value = 'A';	 // filter value or the value of filtered attribute
	// sample complex filter
        $balance = new stdClass();
        $balance->key = 'balance'; // filter by 'balance' attribute
        $balance->value = new stdClass(); // filtering value should be an object
        $balance->value->key = 'gt';	  // with key - condition to match - gt = greater than
        $balance->value->value = '30';	  // and value to use in condition matching
        $filter->filter[] = $status; // add simple filters to filter property
	$filter->complex_filter[] = $balance; // add complex filters to complex_filter property
                  $result = $client->ugiftcertList($session, $filter); // get all 'A'ctive certificates with more than 30 balance (currency independent)
        //        $result = $client->ugiftcertFetch($session, 'API-FNJBS-QPMVG');// input valid certificate number for your setup
        //        $result = $client->ugiftcertUpdate($session, 'VOU-MHPDP-559FR', $data); // input valid certificate number for your setup
        //        $result = $client->ugiftcertCreate($session, $createData2);
        //        $result = $client->ugiftcertDelete($session, 'API-FNJBS-QPMVG');// input valid certificate number for your setup
        //        $result = $client->ugiftcertMassCreate($session, array($createData1, $createData2));
        //        $result = $client->ugiftcertMassUpdate($session, array($updateData1, $updateData2));
        //	  $result = $client->ugiftcertMassDelete($session, $certIds);
        echo '<pre>';
        echo '</pre>';
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();

Sample result:

    [0] => stdClass Object
            [cert_number] => VOU-FDZTT-9U4QK
            [currency_code] => USD
            [pin] => 5756
            [status] => A
            [expire_at] => 2011-08-13
            [sender_name] => 
            [store_id] => 1
            [balance] => 150

    [1] => stdClass Object
            [cert_number] => VOU-NRHJJ-FMVRS
            [currency_code] => USD
            [pin] => 3249
            [status] => A
            [expire_at] => 2011-08-13
            [sender_name] => 
            [store_id] => 1
            [balance] => 150

    [2] => stdClass Object
            [cert_number] => VOU-FTZNQ-V6KK3
            [currency_code] => USD
            [pin] => 8734
            [status] => A
            [recipient_name] => Petar
            [recipient_email] =>
            [recipient_address] => 
            [recipient_message] => 
            [sender_name] => 
            [store_id] => 1
            [balance] => 255