{{:udropship:multivendor:mv-configuration.jpg|}} 1. **Add Vendor.** Add another Vendor to the product. 2. **Vendor Name.** Select a Vendor from the list. Note, you have to create the Vendor in the Sales->Dropship->Vendors section first. 3. **Cost (USD).** Set the Vendor's Cost price. These can be different for each Vendor. 4. **Stock Qty.** The Vendor's stock level. 5. **Vendor SKU.** The Vendor's unique SKU for the product. 6. **Priority.** This option is for future use. 7. **Remove Action.** Just click the button to remove a Vendor from the product. 8. **Tips.** General tips about MultiVendor, please read through these. Once you have added Vendors you need to click on the Save, or Save and Continue Edit buttons.